Opening Hours : Mon - Fri - 9am to 5pm
  Contact : 03 9592 2177

For Patients

List of Hospital You Can Be Admitted to

  • Cabrini (Malvern)

  • Holmesglen Private Hospital

  • Mulgrave Private Hospital

  • Victorian Heart Hospital (VHH) Private

  • Victorian Heart Hospital (VHH) Public

  • St John of God Hospital (Berwick)

  • Peninsula Private

Billing information

Pension and healthcare card holders

We offer reduced rates to pension and healthcare card holders for all diagnostic testing.

Medicare rebate

It is a Medicare requirement that any patient attending a specialist must provide a valid referral in order to claim a medical rebate.  Melbourne Heart Care is unable to lodge a claim if we do not have a current referral on file.  A referral obtained from a General Practitioner is valid for a period of 12 months although GP’s can determine any length of validity including indefinite.  A referral obtained from another specialist is only ever valid for a period of 3 months.  If you are a returning patient and are unsure if your referral is still valid, simply call the rooms and one of our friendly staff can advise you.

At Melbourne Heart Care you can settle your account on the day using cash or credit card (Mastercard or Visa) . For your convenience, we can lodge your Medicare claims on-line on the day. If your bank details are registered with Medicare, you will receive your refund back into your account usually within 24 hours. If you are not registered for on-line rebates with Medicare you will be sent a refund cheque by mail from Medicare. Please let our staff know if you wish to use this service.

No out-of-pocket fees for hospital admission

All our doctors participate in “No-Gap” cover with the private health insurance companies. If you require admission to hospital, you will not be out-of-pocket for any in-hospital consultations or procedures performed by these doctors. Fees may be charged for procedures that do not attract a Medicare rebate (rare) and by private hospitals and other doctors that treat you. Please contact our office on Ph: (03) 9592 2177 for further information.