Dr Kotschet is a Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist with a particular interest in inherited cardiac arrhythmias, including cardiac genetics and atrial fibrillation.
Emily completed her cardiology training at the Alfred and Monash Heart, then completed a three year fellowship in Electrophysiology with 2 years in Canada. She returned to Monash Heart, and established the AF ablation program, including Australia’s first nurse led AF clinic, as well as the cardiac genetics service. She has introduced many new pacemakers and defibrillating devices to Australia, including the Micra leadless pacemaker, and subcutaneous ICDs.
Emily works at Holmesglen Private Hospital, Cabrini Hospital in Malvern, Mulgrave Private Hospital and St John of God, Berwick, where she implants devices and performs ablation for arrhythmias. She also provides cardiac services in rural Victoria visiting Alexandra and Morwell.
Emily’s interests include atrial fibrillation management including catheter ablation, device implantation for heart failure (pacemakers, defibrillators and cardiac resynchronisation devices and subcutaneous devices) and inherited arrhythmias such as Long QT syndrome. She has an interest in paediatric electrophysiology, managing children with arrhythmias, and performs ablation in older children. She is happy to consult families and children regarding these conditions.
Emily loves family time with her husband and 3 gorgeous girls, and enjoys running marathons around the world to keep fit.
ABN: 69 659 760 423